Different names for LPG
Melted oil gas is known with various names in various nations. It is alluded to as autogas when it is used in fueling vehicles. In a few nations, it is essentially alluded to as gas. Regularly, in these nations, petroleum isn't called gas. Along these lines, individuals from the nations where petroleum is likewise alluded to as fuel might be befuddled when LPG is alluded to as gas. In the UK for instance, you can either allude to it as autogas or LPG however in Australia it is either called gas or LPG.
LPG is extremely basic in many nations of Europe. Practically every nation has an exceptional name for it. In France and Italy, it is called GPL meaning gaz de petrole liquefie and gas di petrolio liquefatto separately. Be that as it may, in Spain, it is alluded to as gas licuado del petroleo shortened as GLP.
Different names for LPG
Reviewed by reis-inet
Ocak 01, 2019
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