
A gas is an example of issue that complies with the state of a holder in which it is held and obtains a uniform thickness inside the compartment, even within the sight of gravity and paying little heed to the measure of substance in the compartment. If not limited to a compartment, vaporous issue, otherwise called vapor, will scatter into space . The term gas is likewise utilized in reference to the state, or condition, of issue having this property.

The iota s or particle s of issue in the vaporous state move uninhibitedly among one another, and are, in many cases, pressed more freely than the atoms of a similar substance in the strong or fluid state. An example of vaporous issue can be compacted. Instances of gases are oxygen at room temperature (roughly 20 ºC or 68 ºF), hydrogen at room temperature, and water at standard climatic weight and a temperature over 100 ºC or 212 ºF.

At the point when an example of issue in the vaporous state is warmed, the iotas or atoms increase dynamic vitality and move all the more quickly. At the point when an example of vaporous issue is cooled, the iotas or atoms lose motor vitality and move all the more gradually. In the event that an example of vaporous issue, bound to a holder of settled size, is warmed, the weight increments. On the off chance that the example is cooled, the weight drops. In the event that an example of vaporous issue is set in a fixed compartment and afterward the volume of the holder is decreased, the pressure warms the gas. On the off chance that the volume of the fixed holder expands, the decompression cools the gas.

On the off chance that the temperature turns out to be adequately high, certain gases, for example, hydrogen, will quickly consolidate with different gases, for example, oxygen or chlorine. This is burning. Some concoction responses among gases and different substances happen all the more gradually; a precedent is the progressive oxidation of iron to shape press oxide (rust). For this situation, the oxygen is vaporous at room temperature, while the iron and the iron oxide are solids.

At the point when an example of issue in the vaporous state is cooled to a low enough temperature, it might turn into a fluid or a strong. For instance, if nitrogen is chilled to a temperature far beneath zero Celsius , it melts. Fluid nitrogen is utilized by some medicinal specialists to wreck minor skin sores, for example, moles. Another gas, carbon dioxide, avoids the fluid stage when cooled at air weight, and turns into a strong known as dry ice.
gas gas Reviewed by reis-inet on Ocak 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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